
Leaders need moments of refreshment in order to minister effectively.  The re007 300x225 Prayertreats listed below are examples of how we could pray together, whether for a day, a weekend, or for a week. Other retreats and workshops could be customized to meet your needs. (Please contact us for  information about retreats for non-profit boards, diocesan and parish staff retreats, faculty days of renewal, clergy convocations and continuing education, and workplace off-sites.)

Retreats and Days of Refreshment and Reflection

Fire in the Bones: Rekindling the Passion for Ministry: Meditation on the life of Jeremiah provides refreshment for personal renewal.

Reflections of a Gardener on Co-Workers in the Vineyard: How do the challenges and joys of lay ministry vary like the seasons? Where do we find the courage to keep going? This retreat springs from the three-day opening prayer (by that name) at the 2006 NALM conference in Cleveland, OH.

Beauty Unfolding: Lent is a time of transition from darkness to light; in this parish mission, we look at the seasons of beauty and times of suffering and then take the time to: deepen in tenderness (day 1), grow in humility (day 2), and increase in our receptivity to the Holy Spirit (day 3).

Rest(oration):  Bringing balance to the lives of those in ministry

To Be Living Water for a God-Thirsty World: What does it mean “to be Christ” for a world that is so needy?  How do we work with fervor without losing our selves in the process?

Lectio Divina – Listening with the Heart: How to undertake “divine reading” of the scriptures; with mediation and moments for practice, this method of prayer and study can become a habit which transforms your life.

Living into the Joy of St. Francis (A): When we study the Nicene Creed, sometimes we skip over the very beginning. What does it mean: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator (or Maker) of heaven and earth”?  As we look at the natural world with eyes of wonder and playfulness, what does St. Francis’ delight in creation teach us about living in joy?

Living into the Joy of St. Francis (B) (for young adult leaders, an outdoor leadership retreat experience): An immersion experience in beauty and discipleship, this leadership retreat offers time for refreshment, exercise, and growth in holiness.